Commercial Turf & Tractor provides top quality equipment and contracting services to the golf course and sports turf industry. 

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Our Contracting services include:
  • Deep or Shallow aerifiying of greens, tees, fairways, roughs, or athletic fields. (Top-dressers available upon request on a 1st come first serve basis).
  • Greens seeding with the Terra Combi and Maredo Vibe Seeder.
  • Fairway/rough/Athletic field seeding .
  • Athletic field renovation using the Rota-Dairon & working w/independent laser grading contractors in your area.
  • Sport grid incorporation in athletic fields using our specialized equipment
  • Gravel injection system to improve drainage with the WaterWick.

Local: 660-646-6207
Toll Free:  800-748-7497

Use the following links for more product information.
Our Product lines consist of:
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MAREDO-BV - Innovative Greensmower attachments.  Makers of the only true-cut Dethatcher.

Worlds #1 maker of
Tines, Blades, and Bedknives
Call us for your specific needs.

Commercial Turf & Tractor is the Mid-West's largest stocking dealer of JRM products

WIEDENMANN - The leader in natural and synthetic turf maintenance equipment.

Specialist suppliers of ground care equipment

FIRST PRODUCTS - Innovative turf equipment! Makers of the seedavator.

WATERWICK - Improved drainage and improved aeration.

ROTA-DAIRON - World leader in seed bed/stone burying equipment

STEC EQUIPMENT Industry leader in Specialized Turf Equipment.

TURF PRIDE - Turf Pride strives for excellence and ingenuity, providing innovative designs and engineering for turf equipment.

BRYAN'S BLEND BARBECUE SAUCE - Best BBQ Sauce in the world! Click here to learn more about the sauce and place your order!


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